If you need emergency help for your mental health please use one of these resources:

Imminent risk

Please always call 999 if your life is at imminent risk.

Shout Crisis Text Line

Shout – Crisis Text-Line Service
Available 24/7. Text SHOUT to 85258

Website: https://giveusashout.org/

What is Shout and who can use it?

Shout 85258 is a 24/7 UK text messaging service for times when people feel they need immediate support.

Anyone of any age, who is a resident in the UK, can text the service for support.

Why might someone text Shout 85258?

There are many reasons why people may get in touch with Shout 85258, and Shout Volunteers will provide 24/7 support and guidance, no matter what the issue. Shout supports people experiencing any type of personal mental health concern. It might be that texters feel anxious or stressed, isolated, lonely or grieving. They may be experiencing eating or body issues or substance misuse. Perhaps they have experienced bullying, depression or sadness, or have relationship worries, or self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Sexual, physical or emotional abuse or concerns about sexual identity may also be prompts for texting in.

Does Shout 85258 provide therapy?

The service provides immediate support for all types of mental health challenges, taking people who are struggling to cope to a place of calm every day of the week. This should not be confused with therapy.

Trained volunteers provide texters with empathetic support and techniques to handle future problems, as well as directing them towards longer-term support and/or therapy for their particular concerns. It’s not a one way process: you won’t be told what to do. Shout 85258 is a volunteer-driven, de-escalation service. They may not be able to provide you with the kind of service you might need, if you are looking for continuous regular support. Shout Volunteers work with you to address your moment of challenge and look to move forward.

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